This episode features a conversation between Veena Sothieson and Aspasia Karageorge, two clinical psychologists at Sydney CIty Psychology, and Dr Eric Pugliesi, a General Practitioner with a special interest in metabolism and weight management. The purpose of the conversation was for Dr Eric to introduce his patients to an online emotional eating group that we are running, however it offers an overview of how emotional or impulsive eating can impact our pursuit of what really matters to us, how shame and anxiety can reinforce the cycle, and what kinds of approaches might be useful to change our relationship to these matters. So although we discuss the online group program, this episode would be interesting for anyone who wants to gain an understanding of eating, food, weight or body concerns. We hope you find it informative and thought-provoking.
If you are interested in finding out more about the emotional eating online group, click here.
If you’d like to learn more about Dr Eric and his look through his resources for simple, practical and sustainable weight management and eating, click here.
If you’d like individual psychology sessions to support you in your eating and weight management, contact us here.