Autism assessment

Suitable for people aged 6 and above.

Cost: $3200 for adults; $3500 for children – 6 sessions and a detailed report with treatment recommendations.

What is autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition originating from childhood. It is characterised by differences in social communication and rigidity or repetitive behaviours. Autistic people have unique strengths and challenges.

1st session: Initial clinical consultation, 1 hour (telehealth or in person)

  • Our clinical psychologist will explore your presenting problems and decide collaboratively whether a formal autism assessment is needed. For children, this session involves discussion with the parents/caregivers.
  • If it is decided that no further assessment will be undertaken, then this initial consult is charged as a single appointment.

2nd session: Diagnostic interview, 1 hour (telehealth or in person)

  • The psychologist will ask you (or the parents) questions relevant to the diagnostic criteria of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We use the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) tool to guide this interview.

3rd session: Medical consultation with GP  (in-person)

  • You will meet with our resident GP to rule out physical or medical causes for symptoms. For children, this session will involve the child and parent.

4th session: Cognitive assessment, 2 hours  (in-person)

  • You (or your child) will complete an assessment of cognitive abilities with the psychologist. We use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) or the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) to identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses and to inform intervention strategies.

5th session: Autism diagnostic assessment, 2 hours  (in-person)

  • The psychologist will guide you through the Autistic Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2), an assessment tool designed to use play and activity-based activities to observe behavioural patterns related to autism in children and adults. There is the option for using the MIGDAS instead of the ADOS-2.

6th session: Feedback session (telehealth or in person)

  • The psychologist will prepare a detailed report, pulling together all the information available. This will include relevant diagnoses, your cognitive areas of strength and challenge, as well as personalised recommendations for ongoing support and interventions.
  • You will attend the feedback session with the psychologist to discuss the report, review the diagnostic decision and discuss treatment options. If this is a child assessment, then the parent may attend this session without the child.
  • Organisation of follow up with other professionals (e.g. school, psychiatrist, GP or allied health professionals) as needed or requested after diagnosis.

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Autism assessment

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Forensic assessment for court purposes