Providing a safe and comfortable work environment is the responsibility of every employer. Not only must the workplace meet professional needs, but personal needs too. This includes being aware of and addressing mental health concerns in the workplace.
Mental health concerns are the third most common health issue faced by Australians. Unfortunately, people may be afraid to speak about their mental health concerns for fear of being ostracized. Stigma may be associated with mental health, which is why employers need to go above and beyond to address mental health concerns in the workplace particularly in normalising and facilitating conversations.
Solutions to support people with mental health concerns In the workplace
An unhealthy work environment can contribute to mental health concerns, which makes it vital that proper protocols are put in place to deal with and prevent workplace related issues. Some suggestions include:
- Identify any processes or practices that might be contributing to mental health concerns.
- Determine appropriate actions or reactions for these instances
- Hosting informative workshops:
- Invite guest speakers to come and speak on mental health topics
- Host interactive workshops where employees can offer solutions, discuss ideas and talk openly with one another
- Development of HR initiatives that support mental health:
- These can be regular campaigns aimed at raising awareness in the workplace
- Create an open-door policy where employees can shine the light on stressful situations or negative encounters that could exacerbate mental health concerns
If any employee is struggling with mental health concerns, they should know that they can speak to their supervisor or HR manager confidentially. The dual responsibility should be made apparent in the workplace so that all employees know that they can work together with the business to achieve positive outcomes.
There are a number of benefits associated with establishing mental health protocols. These include:
- Greater employee satisfaction from feeling supported
- Better company culture and higher morale
- Greater loyalty from staff members
- Reduced costs associated with less absences from work
- Reduced costs associated with lower staff turnover and associated processes
- Reduced risk of litigation due to breaches of health and safety laws, discrimination claims, industrial disputes, etc.
Addressing mental health issues in the workplace is a positive step forward for both business and teams in breaking down mental health stigmas and work-related mental health issues.